The Bulletín of Kanagawa Dental College
Vol. 37 No. 1       MARCH- 2009
ISSN: 0385-1443      UBIC: 65
Many opinions have been put forward in medical literature during the past century regarding the relationship between occlusion factors, especially sleep bruxism, and oral.diseases, but the matter is still controversial. The purpose of this review is to introduce recent research regarding occiusion and oral diseases, such as periodontal diseases, noncarious cervical lesions, and temporomandibular disorders. We applied a simple device called a BruxChecker and examined the relationship between occlusion contact patterns during sleep and the prevalence of oral diseases. We concluded that there is a correlation between the prevalence of these diseases and occlusion contact patterns during sleep. We believe that occlusion contact patterns should be considered in daily treatment.
Key words: Sleep bruxism / BruxChecker / Oral diseases / Occlusal contact patterns / Temporomandibular dysfunction.

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