Vol. 29 No. 5       SEP - OCT 2007
ISSN: 0164-1263      UBIC: ESP
Purpose: This study evaluated potential predictors of cooperation during dental appointments for children with autism.
Methods: Data were collected from 108 parent/child pairs and their dentists. Questions included: (1) medical/dental history; (2) language; (3) personal hygiene skills; (4) academic setting; and (5) achievements. Behavior was scored using the Frankl scale.
Results: Subjects were 80 males and 28 females 2.7 to 19 years old with a mean age of 9.8 years. Frankl scores were 65% uncooperative (definitely negative or negative) and 35% cooperative (positive or definitely positive). Multiple factors predicted uncooperative behavior: (1) appointment type (P=.03); (2) concurrent medical diagnoses (P=.04); (3) nonverbal/minimal or echolalic language (P=.005); (4) inability to understand language appropriate for age (P=.02 (5) inability to follow multistep instructions (P=.04); (6) parents providing most/all tooth -brushing (P=.004); (7) partially or not toilet trained at 4 + years (P=.02); (8) inability to sit for a haircut (P=.01); (9) attending special education (P<.001); and (10) inability to read at 6+ years (P<.00l).
Conclusions: Five questions readily answered by a core giver may indicate a child's cooperative potential. Preappointment inquiry about toilet training, tooth brushing, haircuts, academic achievement and language can give the dentist insight into the child's ability to respond positively to behavior guidance techniques based on communication. (Pediatr Dent 2007;29:369-76) Received August 17 2006 / Revision Accepted November 3, 2006.

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