Vol. 54 No. 11       2008
ISSN: 0021-5163      UBIC: 151-J
A case of MALT lymphoma arising in the hard palate is reported. A 33-year-old woman was referred to us because of a swelling in the left side of the hard palate. The mass, measuring 31 X 18 mm, was soft and elastic with a smooth surface. The tumor was surgically removed, and postoperative irradiation was performed. The pathological diagnosis of the specimen was MALT lymphoma. The lesion consisted of small centrocyte-like lymphoid cells. Immunohistological examination showed that the neoplastic cells were positive for CD20 and negative for CD5, CD10, and CyclinDl. Reactivity for Bcl-2 was positive in the neoplastic colonizing B cells, except for the germinal center cells. After surgery Sjögren's syndrome (SS) was diagnosed. Therefore, SS-related MALT lymphoma was suggested in our patient. There has been no recurrence of the lesion as of 1 year after treatment.
Keywords: MALT lymphoma, Sjögren's syndrome, palate, malignant lymphoma, oral cavity.

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