Vol. 54 No. 9       2008
ISSN: 0021-5163      UBIC: 151-J
We report a 61-year-old man with ectopic thyroid tissue in the left side of the oral floor. He had a painless and elastic hard mass suspected to be a sublingual gland tumor in the left side of the floor of the mouth. On MRI, the mass clearly showed low density areas on T1 and T2 images. On dynamic studies, the mass was enhanced in the early stage, suggesting a malignant tumor. On plain CT, however, the lesion was high density as compared with the muscles, and there was no thyroid gland in the normal position. Then, thyroid scintigraphy (99mTcO4-, 201T1-Cl, and 123I) was performed and confirmed that there was no uptake in the neck, but in the left side of oral floor. Thyroid function test results were within the normal range. We diagnosed the mass to be ectopic thyroid tissue. This patient was followed without treatment for about 3 years.
Keywords: ectopic thyroid tissue, floor of mouth, sublingual gland tumor.

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