Vol. 41 No. 2      OCTOBER - 2007
ISSN: 0475-2058      UBIC: 172
Computer analysis was done on the following Powell parameters of the facial profiles of Japanese TV and movie actresses: nasofrontal angle, nasofacial angle, nasomental angle, mental-cervical angle, nasolabial angle, N-Sn/N-Me, Sn-Me/N-Me, G-Sn/G-ME, Sn-Me/G-Me and Sn-stms/stmi-Me. The average nasofrontal angle was 146.7°, which is about 17° greater than the upper limit of Powell's ideal value. The average nasofacial angle was 27.2°, which is about 3° smaller than the lower limit of Powell's ideal value. The average nasomental angle was 136.2°, which is about 4° greater than the upper limit of Powell´s ideal value. The average mental-cervical angle was 87.2°, which is within Powell's ideal range. There were no significant differences between Japanese actresses and Caucasians. The average nasolabial angle for the Japanese was 118°, which was comparable with the upper limit of Powell's ideal value. The average N-Sn/N-Me was 44.4%, which is slightly greater than Powell's ideal value. The average Sn-Me/N-Me was 55.6%, which is slightly smaller than Powell´s ideal value. Because the reproducibility of measurements based on the nasion is markedly higher than that of measurements based on the glabella, this value is believed to serve as a reference when evaluating the facial balance of Japanese. The average G-Sn/G-Me was 51%, which is slightly larger than Powell´s ideal value. The average Sn-Me/G-Me was 49%, which is slightly smaller than Powell's ideal value of 50%. The average Sn-stms/stmi-Me was 50.1%, which matched Powell´s ideal value. The above findings indicate that when applying Powell's ideal values to Japanese, it is necessary to make slight corrections to the angle parameters. It is also necessary to set the lower facial heights below the subnasale (Sn) slightly lower than the ideal Caucasian value, and to maintain the ratio of distance from the Sn to the stomion superius against that from the stomion inferius to the menton at 1 : 2. (J Osaka Dent Univ 2007 ; 41 : 133-135)
Key words: Soft tissue; Facial profile; Cephalometrics; Esthetic guidelines.

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