Vol. 41 No. 2      OCTOBER - 2007
ISSN: 0475-2058      UBIC: 172

We compared the retentive force characteristics of electroformed telescope crowns with those of Akers clasps, magnetic attachments, and cone crown telescope attachments by analyzing the retentive force-displacement curve during vertical dislodgement using a tensile testing machine. The displacement before (DBP) and after (DAP) the peak retentive force was measured, and the retentive energy before (EBP) and after (EAP) the peak were calculated. Magnetic attachments and cone crown telescope attachments are considered more effective retainers for protecting the abutment teeth. We found that the DBP, EBP and EAP for the Akers clasp were significantly greater than for the magnetic attachment, electroformed telescope crown or cone crown telescope. No significant differences were found between the electroformed telescope crown and magnetic attachments in terms of the peak retentive force, DBP, DAP and EBP. We concluded that the 2-degree electroformed telescope crown could be used as an effective retainer for the protection of abutment teeth. (J Osaka Dent Univ 2007 ; 41 : 143-149)
Key words: Electroforming; Telescope; Retentive force; Attachment; Clasp.

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