Vol. 41 No. 2 OCTOBER - 2007 | |
ISSN: 0475-2058 UBIC: 172 | |
We attempted to clarify how stable occlusal positioning in the molar region influence tongue movement during
swallowing. M-mode ultrasonography was used to measure the tongue movement of eight healthy dentulous subjects when they swallowed 10
grams of a gel style pudding. Time-course changes in vertical tongue movement were recorded in the mediodorsal region of the tongue at
the position of the mandibular first molars. Measurements were done with no splint (NS), a full-jaw splint (FS), a splint maintaining molar
occlusion (MS) and a splint maintaining occlusion only on the anterior teeth (AS). The duration the tongue contacted the palate was measured
between the time it touched the roof of the palate and the time it disengaged. Since the time of contact for the NS subjects was not
significantly different from that of the FS subjects, we concluded that changes in vertical dimension caused by wearing the splint did
not affect the duration of contact. However, when compared with NS, the FS, and the MS, the AS did reduce contact time (p<0.05). This
is probably because when the AS was in place the mandible was unstable because of loss of occlusal support in the molar region. This
seemed to make it more difficult with the AS to maintain the tongue pressed to the palate as compared with NS, the FS and the MS. (J Osaka Dent Univ2007; 41: 169-172)
Key words: Occlusal support; Deglutition (Swallowing); Tongue movement; Ultrasonography. |
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