Vol. 42 No. 1      APRIL - 2008
ISSN: 0475-2058      UBIC: 172

In order to study the optimum conditions for immunohistochemical stainability, we immersed rat maxillae and intestines in the following six decalcifying solutions: K-CX, 10% ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), Plank-Rychlo (P-R), 10% formic-5% citrate acid (Cit), 5% hydrochloric acid (HCI), and 5% nitric acid (NA). Rat maxillae were used to measure the time required for complete decalcification. Rat intestines were immersed in various decalcifying solutions, to determine the appropriate decalcifying solution for ideal immunohistochemical stainability. The ideal decalcifying solution should maintain good immunohistochemical stainability of the intestines for the full decalcifying period. Decalcification of the maxillae required one day for K-CX and P-R, 7 days for Cit, HCI, and NA, and 10 days for EDTA. Good stainability of the intestines for both HE and immunohistochemical staining could be attained in one day for K-CX and P-R, and over 28 days for EDTA and Cit. Our previous data showed that K-CX and HCI are good for the reticular silver impregnation technique, while K-CX and 10% EDTA are good for rapid in situ hybridization. K-CX has wide application for certain stainings, such as HE, immunohistochemical staining, the reticular silver impregnation technique, and rapid in situ hybridization. (J Osaka Dent Univ 2008; 42: 83-87)
Key words: K-CX; Decalcification; Immunohistochemical staining.

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