Vol. 101 No. 4      April - 2009
ISSN: 0022-3913      UBIC: 171
This article describes a technique for making a definitive impression for highly displaceable residual ridges. The technique is especially applicable for mandibular edentulous ridges. The choice of the impression materials, as well as the design of the impression tray, focuses on preventing distortion of the displaceable residual ridges during impression making. Using an impression tray with an opening, modeling plastic impression compound and impression wax are used to accurately capture the shape of the residual ridge and place pressure onto denture load-bearing areas. Low-viscosity vinyl polysiloxane impression material is then used over the window opening to capture the surface details of the residual ridge without distorting the displaceable tissues. The use of this technique helps in maintaining the contour and capturing the detail of the tissues, as well as in accurately determining the extent of the muccobuccal denture extensions. (J Prosthet Dent 2009;1 01:279-282)
A definitive impression technique using both impression wax and vinyl polysiloxane impression material for displaceable mandibular residual ridges is described. Consideration has been given to the choice of impression materials as well as to the design of the impression tray to minimize the amount of pressure exerted onto the displaceable regions of the residual ridges during the impression-making procedure.

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