Vol. 1 No. 1       2004
ISSN: 1807-5274      UBIC: 295-M
Os traumas e lesóes do complexo naso-órbito-etmoidal (NOE) sao de difícil diagnóstico e tratamento, devido a sua complexidade anatómica, a presença de estruturas nobres e ao fato de que outras fraturas também poclem estar associacias. A tomografia computadorizada possui urna resoluçao superior comparada is radiografías planas, destacando-se no clelineamento de fraturas móltiplas e na avaliaçao das estruturas cartilaginosas e teciclos moles associacios.
Palavras-chave: Fraturas faciais; Diagnóstico por irnagern; Tomografia computadorizada.
The naso-orbito-ethrnoicl fracture representsac hallenging surgical problern clue to the complexity and density of the anatomic components of the area. NOE fractures are usually associated with significant cosmetic and functional sequelae. Expeditious ciefinitive therapy is needed to best correct these problems. Thus, of these fractures should be reduced and repaired surgically. CT scan images have superior resolution compared to plain films. They are also better for helping delineate multiple fractures and evaluate associated cartilaginous or soft tissue injury.
Keywords: Facial fractures; Imaging diagnosis; Computorized tomography.

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